Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Dances

Streets of France
by Ali Roberts

Dancer: Ali Roberts

Music: Fibre de Verre by Paris Combo
Sound Editing: Glen Nagy
Costume Design: Geneveve Hood
Set Designers: Brian Chamberland, George Shaw
Lighting Design: Andrew Schnell

by Caroline Boland

Power is inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.

Dancers: Lela Annotto-Pemberton, Lindsay Bond, Maria Meyer, Erin Reed, Rebecca Rubenstein.

Music: Stricken (March 2007) by J. Brian Post
Costume Design: Genneveve Hood
Set Designers: Caitlin Hoy, Alex Gradine, Josephine Fericano.
Lighting Design: Andrew Schnell

Journey Before Waking: An Excerpt
by Jandy Bergmann and Sharon Butcher

Dancers:Cheri Anchondo, Lela Annotto-Pemberton, Caroline Boland, Sarah Jane Carlton, Elizabeth Feucht, Jennifer James, Johanna Kaplan-Coleman, Patricia Leister, Tara Lihn, Janelle Mitnick, Brianna Powers.

Music: Marty Beller, James Asher and Peter Kubrik
Costume Coordinators: Jandy Bergmann, Sharon Butcher, Sarah Carlton, Rose Anthony.
Properties Design: George Shaw
Lighting Design: Joseph Castro

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